Chip Shortage Updates

Aaron gives a quick update as to what’s happening with the chip shortage. While it’s been wreaking havoc on the automotive industry for a couple of years, there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel. And maybe a downside as well. But it’s mostly good news. We think.

Q&A: Is Biden’s 50% by 2030 Realistic?

In this question and answer, I try to answer the many questions posed to me regarding President Biden’s announcement that fifty percent of all vehicles sold in 2030 will be electric. It’s a difficult question and there are unavoidable politics involved. But I outline 7 things that have to be overcome (and are not clearly being addressed) for that goal to be achieved.

Get a coffee or something. This is a long one.

And PLEASE watch the entire thing before commenting. Your forthcoming rant will be belittled if you clearly haven’t.

What the Automotive Industry Is Doing During Lockdown

There are a lot of good things happening during the coronavirus social distancing. Even as automotive plants shut down the production of vehicles for the health and safety of their workers, automakers are jumping in to help communities and the country during this time. Here, we talk about the current happenings and give highlights of what vehicle brands and companies are doing to give back to communities. From building ventilators to making safety gear and feeding the hungry, the automotive industry continues its long tradition of caring for the people and nations it serves.

Stay safe and happy. We’re getting through this together.

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